Saturday, June 15, 2019


We had a bit of an adventure getting here, but we are in Brest! Our flight was uneventful. Some of even slept.
Our first group photo in Indianapolis!
Once we arrived in Paris, there was a delay at customs and the usual traffic around Paris. In the end, we arrived in Brest about 9:30 pm on Thursday.

There were hugs, the "bises" and smiles all around. But no one wanted their picture made.

Friday was placement exams, a walking tour, LUNCH! and an orientation. With few issues, everyone got back to their host families.

Our second group picture - in Brest!

1 comment:

  1. Après deux semaines, un commentaire! :) Quelles belles photos, quels sourires heureux! - Cindy, la tante de Tara
