We’re at Charles de Gaulle airport as I write. Thursday, we visited a retirement home. The students visited with the residents, then sang, danced, and played instruments for them. It was a great time for all.
Friday was the family show. We spent the day rehearsing. Then it was time for the show. It was wonderful and went off without a problem watch the blog for a video.
Saturday was spent with families. Sunday morning there were lots of tears as we left Brest. Arriving in Paris, we visited the Père Lachaise Cemetery and found the tomb of Honoré de Balzac.
Monday morning we saw the King Tut exhibition, the last time his treasures will leave Egypt. We then passed by Notre Dame (so sad), then visited the Sainte Chapelle and the conciegérie, Marie Antoinette’s prison.
Monday evening was the boat ride on the Seine River.
Tour Eiffel
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